• Macroeconomics Vs Deal Selection

    Trying to call a market cycle is futile – we use data and research to build superior knowledge that allows us to focus on picking the right markets and assets.

  • Underwriting Discipline

    A business plan should not rely on short-term execution and market forecast assumptions outside historical norms to generate returns.

  • Prioritize Risk Analysis

    Focus on transaction risks and balance those concerns with the deal potential – steer clear of “home-run” opportunities with outsized risk.

  • Resiliency of Cash Flow

    Assess and improve the resiliency and growth potential of cash flow streams - not on projecting future exit pricing (which will take care of itself).

  • Relentless Focus on Asset Level Profits

    Ultimate attention on driving profit improvement - using technology and focusing on both revenue and expenses to achieve higher, more durable profits that will sell at a premium.

  • Leverage

    Drive returns through the real estate – not high risk capital stacks that can put principal and asset level profitability at risk.